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“this” keyword simple example
Let’s take a simple example to understand how this keyword works in javascript.
What do you think would be output of the above code?
- if you write this code inside browser, it would give you Window object.
- if you write this code inside nodejs application, it would give you Node object.
Now let’s add one line to this code.
"use strict";
- Now this keyword values will be undefined if we use it in browser.
- and If we use this keyword in NodeJs with strict mode, value will be {}.
This keyword inside normal function
function test() {
function test1() {
"use strict";
- without strict mode this keyword value will be either Node object or Window object.
- with strict mode this keyword value will be undefined
when we use function call, remember this would be either undefined or window/node object
This keyword inside object
const test = {
name: "Prem",
getName: function () {
- Inside object this keyword always attach it self to object.
- In above example this keyword will be test object
- for that reason you can get value will be “Prem”
Creating functions inside objects are called methods. And whenever we call object.methodName(), this value will be object itself.
const test = {
name: "Prem",
getName: function () {
console.log(this); // what will be output of this keyword
function myName() {
console.log(this); // what will be output of this keyword
can you guess what will be the output of this keyword in above code?
- first test.getName() will be called
- test.getName() is method call. when we call method on an object, this keyword value will be object.
- here inside getName, this value will be test object
- after that myName() is being called from inside getName function
- but it should not matter where function is being called.
- In function calling this value will be either Node/Window or undefined.
always remember, it doesn’t matter where this keyword is placed. How function are called is matter.
call, apply and bind and how these methods changes the values of this keyword.
call and apply
Let’s take the above example only. if you take a closure look into myName function. this value inside that function is either node/window or undefined. But what if we want to get name value when we use This is where we can use call and apply methods.
const test = {
name: "Prem",
getName: function () {
console.log(; // "Prem"
function myName() {
console.log(; // "Prem"
}; // myName.apply(this)
- As you know “this” keyword value is test object inside getName function.
- now we are using this value as argument in function call using call method.
- so now inside myName function this keyword value becomes test object.
whenever we call any function using call, apply and bind, two things happens
- pass first argument as object. it can be any object. it can this keyword as well.
- whatever you pass in first argument. this keyword becomes that value
Let’s take an example and understand.
const test = {
name: "Prem",
getName: function () {
const test1 = {
name: "Divye",
test1 object doesn’t have any methods on it. But what if we want to use getName method to get test1’s value ?
const res1 = test.getName(); // "Prem"
const res2 =; // "Divye"
const res2 = test.getName.apply(test1); // "Divye"
There is only one difference between call and apply
- call takes multiple arguments after first argument
- apply takes array of arguments after first argument
bind works exactly similar to how call and apply works. you can use call and apply whenever you want to get result by directly calling. But Bind returns function and after calling that function you get the value.
const res = test.getName.bind(test1);
res(); // "Divye"
Arrow function and this keyword
if we have a this keyword inside arrow function, this keyword takes value from outer scope of the function. Now let’s take an example
function test() {
// this -> whatever this value be here, it will be inside the arrow function
const arrowFunc = () => {
console.log(this); // either undefined or window/Node object
const test1 = {
name: "Prem",
getName: function () {
console.log(; // "Prem"
const myName = () => {
console.log(; // if is Prem in parent scope, it will be similar inside arrow function
class and this keyword
Let’s understand this keyword value when we use class in javascript.
class Animal {
constructor(name) { = name;
getName() {
const animal = new Animal("Dog");
When we use new keyword to create new object this becomes instance of that object.